
Career Pilot Program

Serious about becoming a Professional Pilot? This is the course for you. This course has everything you need to reach your goal, including a guaranteed instructor job at Superior!

Training options:

Career Pilot Program Course - Package
The course includes everything you need to become a professional pilot. This course also guarantees an instructor position at Superior!

Course Details:

Our Career Pilot Course includes the following:

- 300 hours of flight time

-272 Single-Engine and 28 Multi-Engine
(ALL in an airplane, NO SIMULATOR TIME)

- Unlimited One-On-One Ground Instruction

- Written Exam Fees ($175.00/each, paid to the testing center)

- Practical Exam Fees ($800.00 or more each, paid to the examiner)

- iPad with 1 Year Basic Plus Subscription to Foreflight


The syllabus for each course of training and all supplies required for your training are included in the package.

*Not included: Medical Exam - Cost is $80-$150. To find an Aviation Medical Examiner (AME) near you, click here. Renter’s Insurance.


Multi-Engine Rating


Multi-Engine Instructor Add-On